20P is a quiz show that brings human intelligence face to face with artificial intelligence for the first time ever, in a quick string of questions and answers that is sure to put the mind power of both sides to the test.
A very original contest inspired on the international success of the 20Q ball, which sold more than 15 million units worldwide. On the show, the participants will come up against Pe, a competitive, tongue-in-cheek computer with a woman’s voice on a mission to hinder the contestants from guessing the mystery word. No less than 4000 terms are hidden in Pe’s sophisticated hard drive, an intelligent machine with loads of personality.
20P is a new show created by Endemol USA and is broadcast in USA, Spain and Argentina.
Cuatro - HOST
Josep Lobató - SEASON
2009 - FORMAT
Endemol USA. Licencia Endemol International BV
ProgramaProgramaShow | CadenaCadenaChannel | TemporadaTemporadaSeason | Audiencia mediaAudiència mitjanaShare | Media de shareMitjana de shareAverage share |
20P | Cuatro | 2009 | 487.000 | 6,20% |