El Puente

The late night show ‘El puente’ was produced by Gestmusic to liven up the summer evenings of 1997 on Telecinco, from the 14th of July until the 3rd of September. Every night, live, Tinet Rubira presented a programme with a big helping of humour and with the collaboration of Mariano Mariano and Father Apeles.

The show included, among other things, unconventional interviews with the famous, reports about how the jet set was spending its summer, a hilarious anti-quiz called Agárralo como puedas led by the group “Las Calígulas” and musical numbers. To sum up, it was a fresh and easygoing programme which, until now, has been the most viewed late-night summer programme on the channel.

  • HOST
    Tinet Rubira
    Toni Cruz / Josep M. Mainat / Joan Ramon Mainat


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El puente Telecinco 1997 1.041.000 21,40%