
With ‘LaTrelevisión’ the most loyal followers of Carlos Latre were able to enjoy his humour for the first time on TV beyond the Martian orbit of Cronicas Marcianas. Here, his odd view of the world was conveyed by the hand of his most charismatic characters: Bea the scholar, Papuchi, Lola the witch, Ricardito Bofill, Pantoja from Puerto Rico, Tamara, Pocholo, Pepe Navarro, Juanma and David from La casa de tu vida, politicians from all walks of life, including the former President of Catalonia’s Regional Government Jordi Pujol, Trillo and Bono, and singers such as Fari, Camela and Rocío Jurado.

Yet Carlos Latre was not alone on this adventure. His colleague Xavier Deltell and the Majorcan actor and comedian Agustín “El Casta” (The Chaste) gave the show a biting tone, bringing the oddest, most unlikely characters to life. What’s more, many are the friends and colleagues of Carlos Latre who have taken part in the show. In the first three episodes, we have seen Javier Sardá, Boris Izaguirre, Antonio David Flores, Carlos Pumares, Jorge Javier Vázquez, Carmen Alcayde, Jesús Vázquez, Lluís Llongueras, Silvia Fominaya, Mariano Mariano, Nuria Bermúdez, Fernando Ramos and Santiago Segura, among others.

  • HOST
    Carlos Latre
    Toni Cruz / Josep M. Mainat


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LaTrelevisión Telecinco 2004-2005 3.276.000 23,80%