Vídeos, vídeos / Ene Ba Bideoak

Home videos with a great deal of imagination featured in the programme shown sporadically by Antena 3 Televisión in 1994 and 1995. Ximo Rovira was the presenter of this space in which every day four amateur video contestants brought real films to the studio and which the audience had to vote for. The favourite films, chosen from each week, went on to final on Friday and competed for big prizes.

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Part of the programme’s success was also due to the other home video sections such as the hidden cameras, children telling jokes and stories with their particular style and staging of popular songs. The most famous personalities of the small screen had their own space with the showing of some of the channel’s false takes. Later on, in the summer of 2001, Antena 3 once again made a home video programme of the same name called Vídeos, vídeos, but with substantial changes compared to the first edition. The popular actress Paz Padilla presented this 2nd edition of programme in which many millions were given away in prize money. Every Sunday evening, and after a preselection, nine amateur video filmmakers entered the competition with their recordings. A jury, made up of three famous people, decided which was the best of all after several eliminatory heats, and the winner received a cash prize of half a million pesetas.

Another section of the competition was the spoof section. The amateur video filmmakers had the possibility of competing in a section where they could make spoof adverts, television programmes or famous scenes from films. All sprinkled with a good dose of humour and the best American home videos.

In the last programme of the second series, a grand gala in a Barcelona theatre coinciding with Christmas Eve, the prizes were awarded to the best of each section: one and a half million for the best spoof and three million for the best home video. Prizes were also given to the second and third of each category.

After a few months, and coinciding with the arrival of summer, the popular actress Esther Arroyo was entrusted with presenting a third series of the programme which, once again, achieved very good audience figures.

    Antena 3
    Ximo Roviera /Paz Padilla / Esther Arroyo
    Toni Cruz / Josep M. Mainat


ProgramaProgramaShow CadenaCadenaChannel TemporadaTemporadaSeason Audiencia mediaAudiència mitjanaShare Media de shareMitjana de shareAverage share
Ene ba bideoak ETB2 1992 n.d. n.d.
Vídeos, Vídeos Antena 3 1994 1.620.000 19,30%
Vídeos, Vídeos Antena 3 2001 1.838.000 19,40%
Vídeos, Vídeos Antena 3 2002 1.993.000 20%